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Bennett’s wallaby

Also known as: Macropus rufogriseus

Bennett’s wallaby, also known as the ‘red-necked wallaby’, are native to Eastern Australia.


The Bennett’s wallaby is easily identified by its movement using strong, spring-like hind legs and its muscular tail to bounce around. They are usually solitary in the wild, but we can keep our small group together because of the abundance of food, water and shelter, they do not need to compete for anything.

Wallabies are marsupials, this means after giving birth the joey crawls into the mother’s pouch where it can suckle. Interestingly, the mother wallaby can produce milk for two joeys at different developmental stages. This is like feeding the very small joey full fat milk and the elder joey semi-skimmed milk!

Quick facts

Class: Mammal
Size: Up to 90cm
Weight: Up to 20kg
Life span: Up to 15 years
Diet: Omnivore
Threats: Humans (hunting)
Habitat: Eucalypt forests, shrub land and open areas
Distribution: Australia, Tasmania
Conservation status: Least Concern (LE)

Wallabies are smaller than kangaroos, but they all come from the macropodidae family meaning big feet!